
Computer Technology for The Blind - Braille Printer (Braigo)

What is Braigo Printer?

Braigo is meant by Braille Lego. It is created by a young and intelligent 13 years old boy, Shubham Banerjee.

Shubham Banerjee with his invention of Braigo V.1 and Braigo V.2

He is a 7th Grade Student in Santa Clara who is invented this unique and portable Braille printer for the blind. As he said at Intel Capital Summit 2014 through his YouTube's channel (Shubham Banerjee), he only searched the information of accesibility for the blind, Louise Braille, embosser, Braille and Brailler itself on Google!

This is the video when he is been interviewed by the two speakers at Intel Capital Summit 2014 :

He is committed to create a 'Humanely Optimized' technology device that are innovative, affordable and cater to solving life's problems. After he did some research about the Braille and Brailler, he came out with a new idea to design Braigo.

He just bought Lego pieces and develop a new technology for it such as put a roll of paper on it, a power supply and a Braille Head. You can see the close up of Braigo model in this video : 

For the disadvantage of this Brailler, it is required up to 10 to 15 seconds to print a character.

 This is the component of Braigo V.2

Shubham is looking at his Braille printer.

Braigo V.1

Definitely, the advantages of Braigo are it's portable, easy to carry, light-weighted device, unique design from Lego, affordable price and low sound of printing.

Braigo Labs has upgraded the new version of the printer to Braigo V.2

Braigo came with two versions. First invention is Braigo V.1 which is not for sell and it is just a concept device. The production cost for $100 or RM366.
Meanwhile, Braigo V.2 is sell for the customers with the price of $200 or RM733.
It looks like a standard printer but with different functions of itself.

Braigo V.2 is slightly different in design, good quality of materials, more effectives, faster printing and it is more expansive than the previous version Braigo.

Resource: www.braigolabs.com

1 comment:

  1. Change the color of text. Nobody can read the black colored text on black colored background
